Some people tend to get themselves in a
spin when the subject of spinning a model
comes up, however, I hope to be able to
show you that spinning a model and
recovering from the spin in a relaxed and
confident manner that does not result in
the demise of the aeroplane, a set of
bicycle clips being required or a dose of
Imodium to prevent ' liquid Panic!'
What is a spin?........a spin is when the
model is in a stalled condition and is then
made to rotate around its centre of gravity
by the application of rudder (yaw) to
induce a spiral descent whilst maintaining
the stalled state.
How is it different from an induced spiral
dive?........in a spiral dive, the model (wing)
is not stalled.
How is it different from a tip stall?
(Big digression coming here!)..... In a tip
stall, usually one wing stalls first ...(this is a
beak down of airflow starting from the tip
of the wing and quickly moving along the
whole wing) slightly before the opposite
wing and this can cause the model to stall
on one side and enter a spiral or it can
cause the model to ' tuck under' with the
unstalled wing as it rapidly experiences a
combination of a sudden and rapid loss of
lift and / or a negative angle of attack due
to the stalled wing and associated rapidly
increased drag...it then 'digs in and bites'
with the result that the model will ' flick
out' in the opposite direction to the initial
stalled wing that easily lifts and flips over
because it is in a 'bubble' of turbulent air
with no smooth airflow. This is most
evident in models with high wing loading.
(That is less wing area supporting more
mass/ weight.) That is why you get a tip
stall in heavier, more aerobatic aircraft
with narrower tips and reduced wing
section.....the tip has less ability to support
weight and maintain flight due to reduced
area and a reduced wing section, it needs
more airspeed to maintain flight. This can
be seriously exacerbated and
compounded by a model that is turning.
The inboard wing is moving slower relative
to the outboard wing and is more readily
prone to tip stalling. This catches out
hundreds of model pilots on every field in
every club across the whole country as
they try to turn too sharply or steeply
whilst having too slow airspeed. The result
is a stalled model in a spiral dive....
panic.......unsure what to do.........waggle
everything.......smack!How do you avoid it?
smooth airflow to generate a difference in
pressure that creates lift to make the
wings 'fly.' Different types of wing need
different amounts of forward motion
through the air to maintain flight. Trainer
wings are good at avoiding stalling and are
able to fly slowly in slow moving air, ideal
characteristics for the learner pilot! Other
wings are far less tolerant and won't put
up with inexperienced pilots trying to 'fly'
them like a trainer wing. It is worth noting
though that even the most benign,
friendly little trainer wing will eventually
run out of steam, give up and stall! It is all
about balance once again, maintain flight
by somehow developing and maintaining
airspeed. The energy for this comes
usually by either using a motor or gravity
(e.g. in a glider you build airspeed by
allowing gravity to take the driving seat for
a while!)Back to the spin.......
(eventually!)So, to enter a spin when you
mean to.....! .....you must allow the model
to slow down and lose airspeed to the
point where the wing stalls uniformly. ...a
word of caution...does this at height.
(Obvious statement!)Until you know what
you are doing, ALWAYS do this into wind.
Don't force the stall by pulling in more and
more up elevator at speed with the nose
getting higher and higher and the model
climbing. Take your time to allow the
model to slow down and stall. In a comp, if
the model pitches up before the stall you
lose mega points. The objective is to keep
the model as horizontal as possible, even
with bags of up elevator applied and held
When the model stalls, it should nod and
dip its nose from straight and level. It will
usually be stopped or almost stopped
relative to the ground. This is the exact
point, after the stall, , NOT BEFORE, where
you smoothly apply full rudder....do this in
the direction that is away from yourself so
the model spins outwards, not inwards. If
the wing is stalled and rudder applied, the
model WILL begin to spin. Different
models spin in different ways; some more
slow and sedate others snappy and more
violent. Some models need a little aileron
in the direction of the spin to help them
get going but not big bucketful’s of aileron
or the spin will turn into a spiral dive very
I won't at this point go into how you
manage and alter the rate and flatness of
the spin. What you need to know next is
how to stop the spin and get the model
flying again.
To resume flight... First of all neutralise all
of the controls (you will have full up
elevator and full rudder on and holding it
as the model is in the spin.) Allow the spin
to slow down on its own and to help it bite
and begin to fly again, you may need to
nudge a slight amount of down elevator as
you smoothly apply some throttle. The
combination of power from the engine
along with gravity acting own the model
with its nose down will quickly make the
wing begin to fly again. All you need to do
then is smoothly pull back on the elevator
to stop the descent and 'fly' out. Until you
can control the direction of exit by your
timing, you need to be prepared for the
model to exit in any direction and sort it
out from there. Simples!
So, go and give it a go, but don't go at it
without having thought it out fully first.
Think about what you are going to do and
what you will do to manage the aeroplane
at all times. If you follow these steps you
won't have any nasty surprises. ...I am
always happy to demonstrate or hook up
a buddy lead as back up for your first
ADDENDUM. I left out the following so as
not to confuse initial attempts, so do not
try the tips below till you are confident
with the procedures described above.
Full up elevator will keep it spinning and
stalled, but when you get more into it, you
can control the flatness or steepness of
the spin by a combination of the amount
of elevator you use combined with the
amount of OPPOSITE aileron to keep the
spin flat. You can speed it up or slow it
down by adding or reducing rudder and to
a lesser extent aileron. The other major
factor in successful spins is the CG
position. A more rearward CG let's models
stall and spin more easily. If the CG is a bit
too forward, it can be very difficult to
induce a proper spin because you can't
get it to stall as easily and it is hard to get
the nose up..... That is really about the
angle of attack of the wings. If you can't
increase the angle of attack easily because
of the nose dropping due to a forward CG,
that again helps the model resist a stall
and subsequent spin.
I hope this is helpful. Always happy to
clarify points etc
Glenluce and Galloway Flyers