Please see the news page for current
information and legislation regarding
model aircraft flying.
Glenluce and Galloway Flyers' consists of a group
of local people who are interested in flying radio
controlle model aircraft.
We are affiliated to the BMFA (British Model
Flying Association) and the club has a BMFA
Examiner who can help you gain BMFA A & B
fixed wing flying certificates.
The club is open to anyone who is interested in
radio controlled model flying and would be made
welcome as a new member.
Our constitution is inclusive and is available to
view here on our website.
The club has excellent facilities and can
accommodate the needs of all flyers from raw
beginners to experienced experts. Our long
grass runway is suitable for large scale models
and sport jets as well as a wide range of different
sport and scale models. The North / South
runway has clear landing approaches from both
north and south and a wide open flying area
over the moor to the east. The main interests of
our club are electric models, scale models
including warbirds, large scale aerobatics and 3D
flying, jets, sports models and trainers. So you
can see, we cater for everyone! If you are new to
model flying or are looking for a new club with
friendly experienced help on hand, then why not
come over for a look? You will be made welcome
and hopefully will have a lot of fun.
The flying site has been created by the members,
on farmland near Glenluce, twelve miles east of
Stranraer, renowned for its mild microclimate.
The club is constantly improving the site for
flying the full range of aeromodels. During the
winter 07/08, a second east/west runway was
created, so that flying is not so dependant on
wind direction. In 2010 we added a new
extension, which is mown regularly. Weather
permitting, we fly our models on Saturdays after
lunch and on Wednesday evenings in the
Wednesday evening, is the main training time at
the club, starting at 6.30. The more experienced
members help train beginners to fly their
models. The club also helps members tot
develop the skills to gain their BMFA A and B
flyers certificates. Please contact us for any
further questions.
Good flying, keep safe
Glenluce and Galloway Flyers
2024 Glenluce tractor rally